I consider being a Spiritual Psychic Medium and helping those who are grieving and/or educating others about the other side my soul purpose. It is a very serious commitment to providing evidence to those left behind that their loved ones are safe, happy and at peace.

Seeing how messages from spirit help heal grieving loved ones’ hearts makes doing this work something I want to continue to do for the rest of my days. It is truly humbling and special to be able to deliver messages from spirit as completely accurately and with as much verifiable information possible. My calling is to evolve spiritually and to help others on the spiritual path by communicating with their loved ones on the other side and by receiving guidance from higher realms.


Here’s a story about Bruce Lee. A master martial artist asked Bruce to teach him everything Bruce knew about martial arts. Bruce held up two cups, both filled with liquid. “The first cup,” said Bruce, “represents all of your knowledge about martial arts. The second cup represents all of my knowledge about martial arts. If you want to fill your cup with my knowledge, you must first empty your cup of your knowledge.”

If you want to discover your true soul purpose in life, you must first empty your mind of all the false purposes you’ve been taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all).

This sounds easy, but it’s actually quite difficult. Remember, it’s easier said than done.

Empty Your Cup.

I know there is much debate about what it is that we Mediums do and that we are motivated by material gains. I can only speak for myself, Mediumship is a work that is healing for the living and sometimes for those that have crossed over. My mission is to make people aware of the existence of a higher power and to let the world know even if it is one person at a time, that life does not end it continues in an energetic form. Our loved ones have not been lost forever they have just been transformed into a different form of existence. That love you had for that person is not gone it remains and only has amplified for them on the other side. Remember this is only a temporary state, we are in Kindergarten in the school of life and have so much more to learn before we can become the beings of light and love that exist closest to God.

I genuinely feel that we are all blessed with unique gifts. The expression of our gifts contributes to a cause greater than ourselves. I’m not here to convenience you or to try and make you a believer about the other side, I’m here to help and educate the ones that do believe! I believe that we were all sent here for a reason and that we all have significance in the world. I give you evidence, education, and my experience.

Many psychics and spiritual practitioners come across as “holier than thou,” Yet as spiritual practitioners they do not walk their talk. I never want to be that way. One major false premise that people seem to believe is that spiritual teachers and psychics walk around being “spiritualized” all the time. Should that be our aim? Maybe…I will be the first to tell you that I have plenty of faults, flaws, and lessons to learn. I love to swear. I’m rather quite vulgar. I have my moments of judgement. Instead of hiding those character defects of myself, I embrace them and see them as my teachers as I encourage all of you to do.

I am still developing, honing, fine tuning, and evolving as a Spiritual Psychic Medium. I do not have all the answers and will NEVER claim to. I am a perpetual student as well as teacher. Each and every one of us have the capability to really find out who we truly are and what our soul purpose is, however this takes work. Stop fighting, let go, forgive others, learn how to genuinely love yourself, be in the moment, laugh, put the phones down, disconnect from social media, and learn what it’s like to live in your own skin.

My mission, and my promise to you…Is to be as raw, honest, and genuine with you as I can and should be. It is my intention to be a messenger, who simply passes messages of truth forward. It is my intention to tell you what I hear for you, as well as what I am truthfully picking up on for your path, adding and subtracting nothing from the messages I receive, instead of blowing sunshine, rainbows, smoke, angel wings up your asses. I will not pretend to be someone that I am not. And I won’t try to be anyone other than ME. Spirit continue to bless me and in return my blessings become your blessings!

I had the most amazing reading last night with Mandy. I was able to finally feel content with so many things that have been in my mind for so long. I cannot speak highly enough and would recommend anyone who is looking for a Spiritual Medium to reach out to Mandy. She truly is amazing! I will be putting together a group event, if anyone is interested please let me know.

Ali Matonti

You brought though his personality and kindness. I miss him with all my heart. Knowing he is with me means so much. When you told me he said to quit worrying about throwing his hat away, he really hit home as I was thinking about it all the time. I was mad that he left us. I told his Dad to get rid of that hat that Doug loved so much. I have always regretted it. I still wish I hadn’t did it but at least I feel better about it now. He knew I just took yellow flowers to his resting site and he knows I talk to him all the time and tell him how much I love him. I get signs from him all the time, feathers, coins, numbers everyday. Special songs and even BASEBALLS and I know that my Grandson see’s him. You said he plays with him and whenever I ask him (he is only 2) he says Doug is with him. I know that he guides me and I just wanted to say thanks to you. You have a beautiful gift and I’m so happy you are sharing it with the world. Can’t wait for another reading.
Thanks again and HUGS…!

Doug's Mom, GinnyI just wanted to thank you Mandy for such an amazing reading. My brother, my Mom and Dad and last but not least my beautiful son, Doug

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