What is Reiki/Energy Healing
Reiki is a technique for relaxation and stress reduction!! It is a “hands on healing” and is a natural, safe method of healing. It can be done anywhere and is always done with clothes on. Reiki removes the thing that is no longer serving you a purpose. It removes the memory or the event while keeping the lesson and the positive memories.
Reiki Heals the Body, Mind and Spirit
Reiki is simply the healing life force energy of the Divine. The energy emanates from the practitioner’s hands and is transmitted to the recipient to reawaken their own self-healing ability. If our life force energy is blocked by tension and long term stress this can create blockages which reduce circulation and glandular function, resulting in feeling lifeless and irritable. Blockages can lead to many health problems like depression, and/or lack of energy. Reiki increases circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body and when our life force energy is high and flowing freely we are more capable of feeling balanced, healthy, happy, and vibrant. Reiki can help to clear away both emotional and physical pains as well as disease and illness. Deep Relaxation and letting go of worry and negative thoughts allow the body to heal.
What to Expect During Reiki/Energy Healing
Energy Healing sessions I provide are not like a typical Reiki session that you might find elsewhere. My Spirit Guide Ping will be utilizing my body to treat your issues and customize from worst to least. This is will be determined at the start of your session.
You will lay on a massage table, fully clothed, except for your shoes. Wear comfortable clothes and relax. Reiki sessions provide a total relaxing atmosphere using meditative music, aromatherapy and other methods of creating a soothing atmosphere. I also work with your energy field. During your healing session I will gently place my hands on different parts of your body where I am guided by my Spirit Guide Ping. This is how the spiritual aspect of Reiki works for me. Added to the Reiki session are suggestions/messages as well blessings from Ping.
Some practitioners will not touch the body but they will hover a few inches above the body in the etheric field. It is believed that disease begins in the aura surrounding the body and many practitioners can feel or see the aura. I also treat the aura surrounding the body. This is called energy healing. Working on the aura helps to heal the body.